15th Dutch Stem Cell Meeting
oktober 18th
2024 at 10:00 am
oktober 18th
2024 at 5:30 pm
UMCU, Utrecht
On the 18th of October 2024, the Dutch Society for Stem Cell Research (DSSCR) organizes the 15th Annual DSSCR symposium.
The aim of this meeting is to unite researchers from the Dutch stem cell community, thereby promoting exchange of ideas, data and future plans. This DSSCR meeting will provide a unique opportunity for master-students, PhD-students and early stage post-docs working on stem cells to present and discuss their work with the Dutch Stem Cell community in oral presentations that will be selected based on submitted abstracts.
Final year master-students, PhD-students and post-docs about to embark on their next career step in science are especially encouraged to submit an abstract and present their final results. The best oral presentation will be awarded a grant of €500.
Group leaders with a vacancy for a PhD or Post-doc position are also invited to send in their job advertisement to info@dsscr.nl for posting on the DSSCR website
Information & registration
- Conference information
The 15th Dutch Stem Cell Meeting will take place at FRIDAY 18th October 2024.
This symposium will be held again in the Pink lecture hall, UMCU, Utrecht. It starts at 10AM and finishes around 5PM.
For this symposium, we are delighted to announce the confirmation of three renowned keynote speakers in our stem cell field, Dr. Leo Otsuki, Prof. dr. Marella de Bruin and Prof. dr. Michiel Vermeulen. Leo Otsuki from the IMBA of the Austrian Academy of Science, Vienna, Austria is known from his work on the cellular and molecular principles underlying tissue regeneration with the axolotl as model. Marella de Bruijn from MRC Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, Oxford, UK is renowned about her study on the embryonic origins of blood stem cells, the cellular lineages and gene regulatory network. Michiel Vermeulen from Radboud university, Nijmegen and Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, is renowned about his study on Proteomics, Chromatin Biology and Integrative omics in cancer.
- Program 2024
October 18th 2024
15th Annual Meeting of the Dutch Society for Stem Cell Research
9:00 Registration opens
9.30-09:50 Coffee/teaSession 1 Chair: Jeffrey Beekman
09:50-10:00 Welcome10.00-10.15 Myrddin Verheij (Post doc)
Cultured type 3 innate lymphoid cells for adoptive transfer are differentially affected by commonly used drugs for graft-versus-host disease prophylaxis10.15-10.30 Evelyn Hanemaaijer (Post Doc)
Multimodal single-cell analysis of human pediatric bone marrow reveals age-dependent differences in lymphocyte progenitor cell differentiation10.30-10.45 Liza Dijkhuis (PhD)
Hematopoietic organoids from human induced pluripotent stem cells: mimicking hematopoietic development in a dish10.45-11.15 Keynote lecture – Marella de Bruijn MRC Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, Oxford, UK
Elucidating the birth of blood cells in mouse development11.15-11.45 Coffee/tea
Session 2 Chair: Emile van den Akker
11.45-12.00 Eszter Varga (Post Doc)
Transfusion-ready red blood cell generation From HUMAN Induced Pluripotent stem cells12.00-12.15 Imke Schuurman (PhD)
Navigating Human Astrocyte Differentiation: Direct and Rapid one-step Differentiation of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells to Functional Astrocytes Supporting Neuronal Network Development12.15-12.30 Anna Bertocci (PhD)
Insights into iPSC population Dynamics: characterizing the “Village-in-a dish”model12.30-13.30 Lunch
Session 3 Chair: Ina Sonnen
13.30-13.45 Marek van Oostrom (PhD)
Coordination of mouse somitogenesis by coupling of the segmentation clock with cell cycle progression13.45-14.00 Saskia Heffener (PhD)
Molecular basis of development of three hearts in cephalopods14.00-14.15 Daniel Krueger (Post doc) Epithelial tesnion controls intestinal cell extrusion
14.15-14.45 Keynote lecture – Leo Otsuki, IMBA, Austrian Academy of Science, Vienna, Austria
Puzzling out patterning principles of limb regeneration in the axolotl14.45-15.15 Coffee/tea
Session 4 Chair: Lara Barazzuol
15.15-15.30 Davide Cinat (PhD)
Single-Cell Profiling Reveals a Pro-regenerative Function of Notch Signaling in Glandular Organoids15.30-15.45 Eline Koornstra (PhD)
Identifying the regulatory potential of 7 million SNPs in human neural stem cells15.45-16.00 Marcella Dias Brescia (Post Doc) A simplified co-culture reveals altered cardiotoxic reposnses to doxirubicin in hPSC-derived cadiomyocytes in the presence of endothelial cells
16.00-16.30 Keynote lecture – Michiel Vermeulen Radboud University, Nijmegen and Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam
Deciphering lineage specification during early embryogenesis in mouse gastruloids using multilayered proteomics16.30-16.45 Award ceremony
16.45-18.00 Drinks
- Registration
Registration is closed
- Program book
- Award winners best presentation DSSCR annual meeting 2024
The award winners 2024 for the best presentation of PhD and Post Doc are Imke Schuurman and Daniel Kreuger, respectively.
- Sponsors